- 2010-2011: early days on Twitter
From Kyuhyun's Twitter:
From Yesung's Twitter:

Yesung's tweet (110801):
누구 나랑 헨델과그레텔가자 ~~~!!!
which means :
Who is going with me to Handel and Gretel now~~~!!!
Some hours later, there were pics of Kyuhyun at Handel and Gretel, taken by fans.
Then, their first selca posted on SNS, from Yesung's acc again (111129):
- 2012-2013: selca time
From Yesung's Twitter:
On that last one, Yesung called Kyuhyun -who just came back from Greece-,
"GaemGyu Baby" (120918)

Y style = 예&껨 ^^ (Ye&Gaem)
Yesung couldn't sleep this night, and he posted this picture calling them YeKyu this time (121227).
Because of SJ-M promotions in 2013, they were apart. Yesung travelled somewhere, and Kyuhyun came back in South Korea to land in Jeju Island, where he posted a selca of him eating fish (130225) :
역시 제주도는 다금바리가 짱이~~~~지만 다 팔려서 없으니까 황돔이 짱이야~~!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 힐링하는 중!!!!^^ 예성이형 어디니
As expected, Jeju-do’s hapuku is the best~~~~but it was all sold and there wasn’t anymore so Dentex tumifrons are the best~~!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ In the midst of healing!!!!^^
Yesungie hyung, where are you
Yesung replied about 45 minutes later, with :
난서울도착^^ 바톤터치규현~!
I’ve arrived in Seoul^^ baton touch Kyuhyun~!
Yesung probably was in Jeju before Kyuhyun arrived, but left already.
Another cute pictures, posted after a filming when they went to eat with Eunhyuk, Donghae and Kangin (130228). The second one is from Kyuhyun's Twitter.
Second day of SS5 Seoul. Kyuhyun posted that right after Yesung's solo and wrote :
아.. 오늘 예성이형 무대 너무 좋다! 정말 정말로 좋았다..!!
Ah..today Yesungie hyung’s stage was so good! Really really good..!!
which was very cute because Yesung wasn't feeling good on the first day (he fell on stage). Kyuhyun showed his support through Twitter, and Yesung replied with :
Really ? Really ??
On April 16th, they went to watch baseball in Busan, just the two of them. Yesung posted this selca and wrote :
까불이규랑 부산을 ~~^^ 움하하!!
With playful Kyu at Busan ~~^^ Umhaha!!
KRY reuniting some months after Yesung's enlistment, from Kyuhyun's Twitter (131215).
- 2014-2015: more selcas!!
141121 : a cute backstage selca, after Kyuhyun won with "At Gwanghwamun".
우리 막둥이꾸루꾸루 ~!! 1위축하해 ~~!!! ㅎㅎ
Our maknae Kooroo-Kooroo~!! Congrats for being 1st~~!!!
And some other pictures taken the same day :

(more KyuSung about Kyuhyun's solo HERE)
Yesung posted this on instagram (141124), with :
I miss those days of taking selcas with the little maknae #yekyu #광화문에서 #kry
Another selca from Kyuhyun's weibo (150401), with :
"Sorry, I am tired todayㅜㅜ My second promise. I met yesung after a while for a drink ^^. Goodnight!"
Then, Yesung updated his instagram with :
"It's been a while. Just the two of us.. #Yekyu #duet"
And some more pics posted on his Twitter and weibo the same day:

Twitter and Instagram updates (150531)
From Yesung's Twitter (150603)
KRY, from Yesung's Instagram (150603)
From Yesung's Twitter (150605) :
"Ye Kyu - ♥♥"
And again (150607) :
"Ye Kyu ~ "
150611 - Yesung posted two videos
One of Kyuhyun :
"Kyu who wants a way out .... "
[trans by YesungMorocco]
And another one, which was supposed to be a selca :
KRY, from Yesung's Twitter (150701)
150725 : Yesung posted this (apparently taken by Ryeowook) on his Twitter, saying :
I love you bro ♥
in english

Those two pictures taken in LA were posted by both Kyuhyun and Yesung (150801).
151114 : Yesung went to Kyuhyun's solo concert, and Kyuhyun posted this pic on Twitter.